Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Peach Cobbler

Sometimes, you get a hankering to bake something at one in the morning. And sometimes, you find a friend to help you bake said creation at one in the morning. And sometimes, that friend just happens to be your summer housemate who also happens to own her own baking blog.

When these things happen, you don't question the circumstances. You just peel some peaches and go.

(The following directions and photos might be a little fuzzy. But I can tell you that we based our cobbler off of this one from Williams-Sonoma.)

2 cups flour
1/4 cup sugar
1 tbs. baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt
6 tbs. butter
3/4 cups half-and-half (or milk)
1 large egg
1 tsp. vanilla

- Combine dry ingredients. Add butter and mix until crumbly. Stir in half-and-half, egg and vanilla until doughy. Form into a round, cover with plastic wrap, and chill for up to 4 hours. (We stuck the dough in the freezer for about 20 minutes to expedite the process.)

5 lbs of peaches (according to my pictures, we used 6 peaches)
1/2 cup brown sugar
2 tbs. cornstarch

- Peel and cut peaches into 1" cubes. Mix brown sugar, cornstarch and peach cubes, and pour into shallow baking pan.

- When the dough is chilled, roll it out on a floured surface. Cut large, irregular slices to lay over the top of the peaches. (irregular = rustic)

- Paint the crust with an egg wash and dust with a generous amount of sugar. Bake at 375 for 30-40 minutes, or until crust is browned and the peaches are bubbling.

Thanks to Laura for being the cobbler instigator! Check out her bakery and blog - A Dollop of Dixie !

Thanks to The Presidents of the USA for providing the soundtrack to this post ;)

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